3 Magical Multitaskers for Beautiful Skin Less work, same results! Meet the multitaskers.

Too busy for a 10-step (or even a 5-step) skincare regimen? Here’s what to do instead. 

Asian woman surrounded by white flowers, showcasing multitasking skincare products


Look, we’re all busy these days. Who’s got time for complicated skincare routines that feel more like part-time side hustles than a simple wash and moisturize before bed? Not us. That’s why Layers products were designed to do more. Our one-stop-shop skincare line is for people who are seeking big beauty benefits with less commitment.


Woman with red lipstick

A multitasking beauty product is one that performs above and beyond its original, intended purpose. A general example of a multitasker would be whitening toothpaste. Not only does it clean your chompers, but it also makes your teeth appear whiter either by dissolving or temporarily masking stains. 

In the beauty and skincare universe, multitaskers aren’t new. You’ve definitely come across a tube of lipstick that also contains moisturizing ingredients to help hydrate your lips. How about mascara that lengthens while also promising to promote lash growth? And let’s not forget zit-zapping foundation and tinted moisturizer with sunscreen. All of the above would fit into the category of beauty product multitaskers. 


So, here’s the thing. Package labels aren’t promises, nor are they exactly legally binding. In contrast to the standards put in place in the European Union, product labels in the US aren’t approved by the FDA. Consumers have to put their trust in the brand, or put time into doing their own research. 

At Layers, we put the research front and center. Our probiotic skincare is clinically proven to do what it says on the label. We back up our claims with science because transparency is important, especially in an industry that’s famous for making all kinds of scientifically impossible claims. 


Young woman with freckles with hand on her face

Aside from not wanting to set up camp in the bathroom and spend countless hours applying masks and spot treatments, there’s a reason why multitaskers make good sense. Microbiome skincare is all about taking a more holistic approach to the way you manage your skin health. To put it simply, it’s a less is more approach. It’s about supporting your skin in its efforts to protect you from the elements. 

Multitaskers allow you to introduce fewer potential disrupters to your skin. And, rather than deprive you of results, they reinforce your skin flora, allowing nature to take its course. Since your skin doesn’t have to waste energy fighting the unwelcome side effects of using too many products, multitaskers give your skin the space it needs to do its thing. 


If you’re ready to skinimalize your product collection, here are the 3 multitaskers you need to keep things simple and see real results. 

Cleanser + Gentle Exfoliator | Balancing Milky Cleanser

Cleansing is non-negotiable, especially in today’s environment. Smog, sweat, and makeup all need to come off. The problem is sometimes products can be too harsh, robbing your skin of the good bacteria it needs to replenish itself. Milky cleansers are gentle and effective taskmasters for daily cleansing, and they don’t strip away the good guys in the process. 

Layers Balancing Milky Cleanser helps keep your skin’s pH levels balanced with a prebiotic and probiotic blend of yogurt powder and lactobacillus ferment. Vitamin B and riboflavin work to keep your skin soft and hydrated. And working its ever-so-gentle background magic, lactic acid delicately sloughs away dead skin cells while simultaneously preserving helpful skin bacteria. 

Renewing Serum + Wrinkle Reducer | Renewing Probiotic Serum

An effective concentrated serum is a great tool for keeping skin ultra-hydrated. But some serums can go above and beyond. Layers Renewing Probiotic Serum combines powerful probiotics with skin-renewing plant extracts like Meadowfoam Oil and Orabanche Rapum. 

Together with a blend of lactobacillus ferment, these ingredients work in unison to increase the rate of cell turnover, revealing stronger, more luminous skin.

The added bonus is that deeply penetrating ingredients reinforce the building blocks of your skin cells, hydrating and plumping, thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles. After just 14 and 28 days of consistent use, Layers Probiotic Serum is clinically shown to increase lipid and protein levels in the skin, improving firmness and elasticity.

Moisturizer + Probiotics | Immunity Moisturizer

A rich moisturizer can be a godsend, especially when it’s also helping to restore the balance of your skin microbiome. Those two important jobs rarely come in the same package. But that’s why our  Immunity Moisturizer is such a welcome addition… or more like what we’d call a necessity, to any skincare routine. 

Lactobacillus ferment and plant botanicals like pomegranate extract, meadowfoam oil, and milk thistle immediately increase your microflora diversity and enhance collagen production. This diversity of bacteria is what makes your skin resilient, keeping it nourished and hydrated despite the harmful elements, like pollution and extreme temperatures, you encounter daily. This is a moisturizer that not only hydrates, but it helps prevent transepidermal water loss, reducing fine lines and wrinkles over the long term.

Multitasking doesn’t mean cutting corners. With these dutiful powerhouses, you’ll not only be helping to keep your microbiome balanced, but you’ll also be saving yourself loads of time. So it’s time to say goodbye to overflowing bathroom countertops. Multitaskers help make your life simpler. Remember, more isn’t always better. It’s sourcing the right stuff that counts!