Unlock Pomegranate’s Skincare Power: Benefits & Uses This Persian fruit offers serious protective potential

How tiny pomegranate seeds help protect and calm your skin

Benefits of pomegranate seeds for skincare, including antioxidants, anti-aging, and acne treatment.

Praised in poetry and myth for centuries, the mighty pomegranate is dripping in symbolism. Greek myth names it as the fruit that Hades used to tempt Persephone, luring her down into the underworld for 4 months every year, thus giving birth to the seasons. Helen of Troy supposedly drank the juice from the seeds and used the bright red color to add a pink flush to her lips and cheeks. She launched 1,000 ships with that rosy complexion, and even today popular shades of lipstick and blush are named for the fruit. 

But its flavor and clever application techniques are just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a lot more to these tiny, juice-filled jewels. In the world of skincare, these seeds are popping up everywhere from sheet masks to moisturizers, and from face oils to serums. So, what’s this pomegranate hype all about? 


salad with pomegranate seeds

You’ve probably seen these in the grab & go section of your local grocery store. They are the scooped-out insides of the pomegranate fruit, technically called arils. If you’ve ever experienced the juicy bloodbath of opening one yourself, you can probably understand the popularity of the pre-plucked versions. 

Along with the avocado and our sudden cultish affinity for kale, pomegranate seeds began gracing restaurant and smoothie menus over the last decade. They’re fun to pop in your mouth and that sweet juice you get in return is pretty satisfying. Popular salad toppings, these brightly colored accouterments can also be found gracing the tops of hummus and smokey babaganoush. 


For over 8,000 years, people have found a plethora of uses for these little seeds. In addition to food, they’ve been used in spiritual practices, traditional medicine, and cosmetics, thanks in part to Miss Helen of Troy. They’ve been used to lower fever, treat diabetes, and even heal ulcers. 

Here are a few of the beneficial vitamins and minerals pomegranates contain: 

  • Ascorbic, citric, fumaric and malic acids
  • Amino acids
  • Vitamins A, B, C, E, K
  • Potassium 
  • Folate
  • Copper
  • Phosphorous


There are three primary ways that pomegranates help our skin function:

  • Antioxidant polyphenols like punicalagin, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid protect against free radicals. Free radicals, over time, cause cell damage which contributes to photoaging.
  • The anti-inflammatory effects of pomegranates are thanks to punicic acid compounds contained within the oil of the juice-filled seeds. This acid impedes specific inflammatory compounds within your body resulting in decreased inflammation.
  • The number of natural plant estrogens in pomegranates is unparalleled. Because these plant-derived estrogens are weaker than human-produced estrogens, they help block them, allowing only the safer plant-based estrogens to thrive. Additionally, the progesterone mimicking compound apigenin helps balance our human estrogen, aiding overall hormonal balance.

These three building blocks translate into several long-term benefits when incorporated into your regular skincare routine. 



Studies show that pomegranate seeds help promote smooth, plump-looking skin by boosting collagen and elastin production. More collagen and elastin production helps soften skin, resulting in a more youthful glow. Punicic acid hydrates and prevents moisture loss and oxidant ellagic acid helps repair free-radical damage. These forces work together to help protect skin from the signs of premature aging. 


Must-Try: Layers Immunity Moisturizer with Pomegranate Extract

UV Protection

Blocking free-radical damage is the best way to preserve youthful skin. Pomegranate seeds contain 48% of your daily recommended vitamin C. Along with other antioxidants like ellagic acid, tannins, and anthocyanins, you’re able to pack in a lot of skin protection in one go. Studies have also shown that ellagic acid can inhibit the growth of skin tumors.

Acne Treatment

If you’ve been looking for a pore-plumbing pal, look no further than pomegranate. The oil from these seeds has the ability to penetrate deep into your pores, unclogging them of excess sebum. A winning combo of vitamin E plus stearic and palmitic acids are responsible for clearing out clogged pores while simultaneously calming inflammation. 

Skin Regeneration

By increasing blood circulation, pomegranate seeds help promote cell turnover.  As your skin cells regenerate skin tissue repairs quicker, helping wounds heal faster. This also helps fade age spots and hyperpigmentation.

Improves Digestion

pomegranate juice

Since we’re all about the inside-outside approach to skincare, then you know by now that at Layers, it all circles back to the gut. Since pomegranate seeds are so high in vitamin C, that natural infusion will help balance your pH levels. A glass a day of the red stuff (we’re talking about pomegranate juice, folks…not grape juice in fancy bottles) will help increase your blood flow, improve your digestion, and give your skin a natural, radiant glow. 

This antioxidant force is beyond compare. With its unique combination of phytonutrients, high levels of vitamin C, essential minerals, plus fatty acids to help neutralize free radicals, it doesn’t get any better than pomegranate. Try our pomegranate-packed Immunity Moisturizer if you’re ready to plump and protect your skin, promote cellular turnover, and boost that beneficial collagen production. Trust us, that glow is gonna look great on you!